Shop Brewing Systems
Which System is Right for Me?
Brewing your best beer starts with an efficient and repeatable Brew Day. Leave the guesswork out of your calculations with an electric brewing system from Spike! All our systems feature fully welded kettle ports, high-powered heating elements and a simple, single control panel. Whether you’re making beer for your household, your neighborhood or your brewery, we've got your back.
Spike Solo System

Versatile and Easy to Use
The most heavy duty, easy to use, turnkey brewing system available! Whether you're a first-time brewer looking to upgrade your current setup or a 30-year veteran looking to downsize, the Solo is for you.
Shop SoloSpike Trio System

Brew Like a Pro
Used by both home and professional brewers alike, the ease of use, repeatability and temperature control of the Spike Trio will make your Brew Day a breeze!
Shop TrioSpike Nano System

The Best of the Best
Welcome to the 1bbl Spike Nano System. A professional-grade product can be used at home, as a pilot system or for full-scale nanobrewery production.
Shop Nano