Nine Conical Accessories Every Brewer NeedsÂ
4 min readÂ
Since launching our Conical fermenter line in 2017, we’ve continued to add new accessories along the way. But we continue to get the same question, "What accessories would you recommend?" Here's Ryan's favorite nine accessories for his Conical setup.Â
1. Racking Arm Â
I often brew 5 gallon batches, so the racking arm lets me squeak out the last few beers from the fermenter, making sure no liquid goes to waste!Â
2. Silicone TubingÂ
I use 5 feet of silicone tubing from the 90 degree barb on the lid to let carbon dioxide push off of the beer in the first few days of fermentation.Â
3. 2” TC QCÂ
I personally like to fill the fermenter fully sealed, and from the bottom dump port. From our Trio system, I used the 2” TC QC and the Female Quick Connect Barb to move from my wort chiller into fermenter.Â
4. Shorty Leg Extensions (And Extended Bracing Shelf)Â
To avoid bending as far over, I add shorty leg extensions and the extended bracing shelf to give the fermenter both height and stability.Â
5. 2” Sight GlassÂ
I add the 2” Sight Glass to the bottom dump port when I dump yeast, trub and hops. This allows me to see and make sure I’m slowly releasing just yeast, and not pouring valuable beer down the drain. I personally add a 2” cap on the back of the sight glass, so when I’ve filled the glass, I can remove it from the conical, dump it, sanitize it and reattach before removing more yeast. Â
6. TC100 BundleÂ
 A must have, especially in a climate as volatile as we have here in Wisconsin. The TC100 bundle lets me hold temps exactly where I want them without having to monitor the fluctuations. My one stop solution for what I consider paramount to a successful beer temperature control. Â
7. Glycol ChillerÂ
In conjunction with the TC100 bundle, I let Glycol do the heavy lifting for me when cold crashing the beer, as well as stabilizing temps during our hot, but very short, Wisconsin summers.Â
8. Carb Stone Bundle (with All-In-One PRV)Â
Keeping oxygen out of the fermenter is equally as important, so I rely on the All-In-One PRV to add or remove pressure. The carb stone comes in handy when I oxygenate before pitching yeast, and for carbonating before moving to keg. Â
9. Closed Pressure Transfer KitÂ
I keg each batch I make, so using the Closed Pressure Transfer Kit in conjunction with the gas manifold bundle allows me to keep oxygen out of the finished beer.Â
With over 20+ accessories available, the possibilities are endless. But this is the way I brew, and it’s worked great for me so far in my brewing journey!Â
Ryan Oxton has helped hundreds of brewers find the perfect setup for their brewing space. He's involved in the buyer's journey from start to finish—and sometimes even beyond that! His favorite part? Helping a homebrewer turn his/her passion into a very rewarding profession. Â